Where these songs come from I don’t quite know. Since I first started reading Rilke’s ‘Book of Hours’ different fragments of melody suggested themselves to his words. The result is an ongoing project to try and express some of these poems as songs. Learning as I go along, I’m not sure where it’s going or how it will end but it’s much too enjoyable not to go.

These mixtapes combine some of the music that has stayed with me for years with new discoveries. They started out as a playlists for a group that share playlist on a monthly basis and so they tend to reflect my thoughts and mood over different months of the year. From old favourites like Leonard Cohen through more obscure Danish rock to throat singing from the Altai Republic. Enjoy!

This page contains some of the photographs and videos I shot on my trips to Greenland. I also upload photos to my Flickr photostream once in a while.