I bumped into Jay Griffiths at the Dark Mountain festival and had an improvised chat about wild time, progress and narrative. A cross-post from the blog on time-culture.net: The otherness of time – A conversation with Jay griffiths. This is part of a series of interviews and reflections on time and ecology. Next is a time analysis of what can happen to a neighbourhood when you stop the cars coming through your street. So watch that space!
Half way through our campaign to raise a bit of money for the time culture project, we have reached $250. This is great because it means we can get parts of the thesis “Time, Art and Society – Contributions to the Composition of New Time Culture” translated. Thank you to everyone who has contributed! It is also only a sixth of the way to our goal of $1500, so please consider contributing if you can. You’ll find our campaign site at: http://www.indiegogo.com/time-culture. Please help us spread the word.
Draget – A photo-essay
Draget, the small strip of coastline on Thy where my family’s summerhouse is tucked away...